Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Power

The Secret revealed the law of attraction. Now Rhonda Byrne reveals the greatest power in the universe -- the power to have anything you want.

In this book you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships, money, health, happiness, career, and your entire life.

Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power.

The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realized, because The Power -- to have everything good in your life -- is inside you.
To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just one thing…The Power.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Seven Chakras - What does it mean to me?

There are seven major energy centers in the human body, commonly referred to as chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel.” Each chakra in the body relates to spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental energies. The chakras are the network through which the mind, body, and spirit interact as one holistic system.

The seven major chakras correspond to specific aspects of our consciousness and have their own individual characteristics and functions. Each has a corresponding relationship to one of the various glands of the body’s endocrine system, as well as to one of the seven colors of the rainbow spectrum. The main purpose in working with and understanding the chakras is to create integration and wholeness within ourselves. Understanding ourselves enables us to make choices and decisions from a place of balance and awareness. Understanding the chakras and their relationship to our consciousness, helps us to better understand ourselves.

Once we recognize that the various aspects of ourselves all work together, and that each aspect is a part of the whole. We will be able to acknowledge, integrate, and accept all levels of our being. It is important to understand that the chakras are doorways for our consciousness through which emotional, mental, and spiritual forces flow into physical expression. Energy created from our emotional and mental attitudes runs though the chakras and is distributed to our cells, tissues and organs. This brings insight into how we affect our own bodies, mind, and circumstances for better or for worse.